It’s been ages since I’ve been. Apologies, but we’ve been steamrolled with activities in our house.
RISING SIN is in the mail. It’s not in Texas yet, but it should be arriving any second now. Well. Not really. They won’t deliver on the weekend, so let’s just say Monday.
SO, while I was editing the ms for the Golden Heart, I stumbled across a tidbit of advice on one of the RWA writing loops regarding TextAloud.
Basically it’s a reading program that reads your work, emails, webpages, ebooks, etc. to you. I quite liked using it — I was able to catch repeated words that I’ve never noticed before (when you’ve got “delicious” sitting 3 times within 2 paragraphs, it’s bound to drive some reader/editor crazy — and not in a good way).
My only complaint is that the free download trial version gives you “Mary” who doesn’t sound as nearly as spiffy as any of the Natural Voice crowd (who you pay the big bucks for…kinda like a high school clique thing, I guess).
*But*, that being said, I got quite used to Mary and her slightly stilted pronounciation. I even became accustomed to her pronouncing my hero as Za–cheery-ah Boddin instead of the more masculine and American sounding, Zachariah Bodine. It gave him a kind of international flair, I thought.