Busy, busy days are swirling around our part of the country right now and my “to do” list keeps growing. Exponentially it seems.
Besides all of the American Title contesthappenings going on, I’ve yet to pull out the potatoes from the garden (yes, I know, I KNOW!) and my TBR (to be read) pile is growing (thanks for reminding me, Toni!), there are a lot of Girl Guide commitments taking place with cookie sales and enrolment ceremonies and catalogue deliveries (I mostly ran my daughter’s designated route yesterday, so managed to kill two tasks at once) and I could keep on going, and going, but everyone is busy right?
Isn’t that what makes it all good? Or maybe not for some of you. Do you like to be busy or are you so busy that you prefer to be idle? What have you got on the go right now?