Wow. Where does one start? I guess with what caused my lengthy absence in the first place, the renovations…which are now DONE!
Can you see me grinning?
All our hard work paid off and the first people through made us an offer and (fingers crossed) the conditions will be removed in a few days and then we’ll be off to Yellowknife to look for our new home (more crossed fingers).
Now even though things are calm here on the house front, I’ll still be absent from the blogosphere as I’m away visiting my mom. She’s in palliative care now and so the little ladies and I are pretty much stuck to her side these days. We’re getting in lots of visiting and chatting and hugs and whatnot, so things are as well as can be expected.
In the meantime, I’ll drop in as I pop home for visits with BH (taking a page from Toni’s book in which she refers to hers as “beloved husband”) and know that I’m thinking of you all and missing you.